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About Us


W​e Started in 2012

We thrive on the challenge.

Organizations are constantly challenged with change.  Successfully navigating that changing environment requires outstanding leadership and effectively engaging your people.

Your people are the core of your organization.  We build the people strategies and plans to activate and optimize that core.  

Our clients have sought our expertise to find solutions to a wide variety of issues, including:  

  • How do we build a practical HR strategy? 
  • Can we elevate the performance and impact of our HR Team?  
  • How do we engage our employees as we move our business into the future?
  • Is it possible to significantly raise the level of employee engagement and sense of belonging?  
  • How do we to identify the common leadership behaviours for our current and future leaders? 
  • Can we build a process to identify high potential employees, and build a career path and succession planning process? 
  • Can you help us create a labour relations strategy for our upcoming collective agreement negotiations? 
  • Our HR leader is no longer with the organization.  Do you know anyone who can fill the role on an interim basis? 


And There's More....

We continue to partner with business leaders on the development and execution of their strategies, and to assist them in leveraging their investment in their talent at all levels in the organization.  Our approach is to develop practical solutions that can be owned and driven by your people leaders.  When it comes to people and leadership, what may appear straightforward at the beginning usually needs deeper analysis to ensure the solutions are sustainable, as well as impactful and meaningful for the organization. Our unique approach will ensure that people leaders can take the leadership role in the delivery of any solution to optimize results and organizational performance.

Core Leadership Performance has grown into a boutique management consulting firm focused on people and leadership, organizational transformation, employee and labour relations, and interim leadership.

Based in Guelph, Ontario, we have partnered with clients throughout Canada, the United States, China, and the United Kingdom.

About Our Leadership

Mitch Dankner

Founder and Managing Director

Mitch is the Founder and Managing Director of Core Leadership Performance.  

Throughout his more than 25 years in the industry, Mitch's primary focus has been to improve organizational performance through people strategies which include employee engagement, involvement and culture, developing key talent, and improving the overall performance and effectiveness of business leaders and their teams.  He has demonstrated success in leading internal teams through organizational and business transformation, continuous improvement, and the re-engineering of human resources teams to implement innovative people programs that support the organizational strategies. 

Prior to Core Leadership Performance, Mitch held executive level human resources positions for both Canadian and global companies looking to build, re-engineer, or enhance their approach to the people function.  

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